Chignecto Central Regional Centre for Education breaks their geographical areas in Central and Northern Nova Scotia into four groups called "families" of schools: Celtic, Chignecto, Cobequid and Nova.

Celtic Family of Schools

Erin Cormier
Celtic Family of Schools Supervisor
Celtic Family Office, 37 Dickie Street, Trenton NS B0K 1X0
The Celtic Family of Schools is made up of 17 schools
in Pictou County: seven elementary schools, five elementary/middle
schools, one middle school, three high schools and one consolidated
Grade Primary- Grade 12 school.
Chignecto Family of Schools

Vernon Taylor
Chignecto Family of Schools Supervisor
Chignecto Family Office, 84 Church Street Springhill NS B0M 1X0
Pronouns: He/Him
The Chignecto Family of Schools includes 16 schools in
Cumberland County: eight elementary schools, one junior high school, four
high schools and three consolidated Grade Primary - Grade 12 schools.
Cobequid Family of Schools

Marilyn Patriquin
Cobequid Family of Schools Supervisor
Cobequid Family Office, 60 Lorne Street, Truro, NS B2N 3K3
Prounouns: She/Her
The Cobequid Family of Schools is made up of 16
schools in the northern, western and eastern parts of Colchester County:
9 elementary schools, 4 middle/junior high schools, one P-9 school, one
P-12 school, and one high school.
Nova Family of Schools

Tina Knol
Nova Family of Schools Supervisor
Nova Family Office, 54 Mill Village Road, Shubenacadie NS B0N 1H0
Pronouns: She/Her
The Nova Family of Schools includes 16 schools in
the southern part of Colchester County and the Municipality of East
Hants: 11 elementary schools, one middle school, one consolidated Grade
Primary - Grade 9 school and three high schools.