Pre-Primary to Grade 12
Initial Inquiries – Do you have a curriculum or classroom-related question?
- For Pre-Primary children, start with your child’s Early Childhood Educator (ECE). Most questions/concerns can be addressed by starting with your ECE.
- For Primary to Grade 12 students, start with your child’s teacher. Most questions/concerns can be addressed by starting with your child’s teacher.
Beyond the Classroom:
- Your School Principal is your contact for questions or concerns beyond the classroom.
Parent/Guardian Concern Process:
This process can help you determine who can help resolve any further issues after you have spoken with your School Principal.
The Parent Concern Form is for use when all attempts to resolve the concern at the school or Family of Schools level have not been successful and it is necessary to formally document the conversations to date. We ask you to complete a written statement that includes when the concern arose, persons involved, steps taken to resolve the matter and other relevant details. The written statement will be submitted to the Director of School Administration for a thorough review and subsequent determination of the appropriate course of action.