Integrating Well-being and Learning
Well-being and education go hand in hand as they have a direct relationship in student success. Well-being indicators such as sleep, nutrition, social-emotional health, connectivity to school, can impact student attendance, concentration, and ability to thrive in school settings.
At CCRCE, we believe in the importance of the well-being of all students and the impact it has on their achievements. We are striving to create inclusive schools in our region, which are equitable, and culturally, linguistically, and socially responsive. They have structures, processes, and practices that are student-centred, appropriate, and collaborative.
Health Promoting Schools
Health-promoting schools (HPS) is a collaboration between Nova Scotia Health and CCRCE. Together, we support students' education and health through policy, partnerships, infrastructure and learning opportunities.
Health-Promoting Schools is an internationally-recognized approach to supporting students’ educational outcomes while addressing school health in a planned, integrated, and holistic way.
We know "being well" and "doing well" are two sides of the same coin. HPS aims to support both through four key pillars: social and physical environment; teaching and learning; policy; and partnerships and services.
The Health-Promoting Schools Team is made up of a variety of health and education professionals including health promoters, youth health centre coordinators, nutritionists, dental hygienists, youth engagement coordinators and more. Working groups have specific areas of focus, while our school health promoter is a conduit among the groups and the steering committee, to ensure the work benefits all parties involved.
CCRCE and Public Health have had a school health promoter since 2013.