The Nova Scotia International Student Program (NSISP) is a joint venture between the provincial Department of Education and Early Childhood Development and the seven English language school boards. With over 1000 full-time students, the NSISP is one of the largest international student programs in Canada. Specifically in Chignecto Central, we host students from more than 25 countries in a variety of programs, including our Short Term Programs; Teacher Internship Programs; and academic semesters/full academic years at the elementary, junior high and senior high level.
Nova Scotia is an ideal place in which to live and the perfect location to learn and grow. A Nova Scotian education is a North American Education. It is a wonderful opportunity for immersion in the language, music, art, and lifestyle of North America.
In Nova Scotia our philosophy is simple: prepare students for continued success in post-secondary studies or the workplace. This is why our schools have been welcoming the world into their classrooms for more than a decade.
For more information on the Nova Scotia International Student Program, please visit the program website.
Short Term Programs
We offer 2, 4, 6 or 8 week placements in Nova Scotia schools, typically for elementary and junior high aged students. Students live with local host families, providing an excellent opportunity to experience Canadian culture. Each student will attend school five days per week, for approximately six hours per day. Activities and excursions will be planned for students on selected weekdays and on weekends.
Students typically come to Nova Scotia in groups of ten or more, accompanied by a chaperone. We also welcome smaller groups or individual
students. Short term programs are available each year from September to June.
Each student will experience complete English immersion. Fees include accommodations with a friendly home stay family, meals, activities, health insurance and a round trip airport transfer
Staff Contact Information
Lisa Hartery, Coordinator of International Student Programming
Central Office
E-mail Lisa
Susan Rann, Project Manager/Short Term Stay Contact
Central Office
902-896-5537 or 902-890-0583
E-mail Susan
Carlee Pedersen, Program Manager
Central Office
902-896-5562 or 902-956-3648
E-mail Carlee