Bus Information

Each school day, Chignecto-Central Regional Centre for Education's fleet of 200 buses transports over 20,000 students to and from schools across the region. In a given year, CCRCE buses travel more than 1,000,000 kilometres.

Each summer, we carefully plan out bus routes and schedules to reflect the changes that occur from new students starting/moving to a school or our older students who graduate from high school. It’s important to check your child’s school bus information in August because there could be changes to bus routes from year to year.


Yellow school bus on a black road

About BusPlanner

Student transportation information is available on our quick and convenient bus information system, BusPlanner. With BusPlanner, it’s easy and quick to check your child’s bus information. This portal is now the primary source for families to get busing information for their children. Please visit BusPlanner Web to set up an account to access your child’s bus route and stop information. 

If you’re having trouble signing in to BusPlanner, email Bus Planner.

Eligibility for Transportation

Students must reside within their designated catchment of the school they are attending and meet the minimum distance criteria to be eligible for transportation.

Busing is provided to:

  • Pre-Primary children and students in elementary (PP to Grade 6) who live more than 1.6 km from their school.
  • Students in junior high and secondary (Grades 7 to 12) who live more than 2.4 km from their school.

Parents and guardians are responsible to ensure all Pre-Primary through Grade 2 students are supervised by parents/guardians, or an individual designated by the parent/guardian, until the bus arrives in the morning and are there to greet the student in the afternoon; parents/guardians may apply, in writing, to have their child discharged at a bus stop without supervision.

Visit BusPlanner to check transportation eligibility and view your school catchment for the 2023-24 school year.

For additional information on our Transportation Policy, please click here.

How to Access BusPlanner

  1. Go to https://ccrce.mybusplanner.ca/
  2. Click on Parent Portal
  3.  Create an account and access your child’s bus information ongoing with just your email and password.
  4. Add your child to your account by using your student’s ID and your street number/civic number (Your child’s student ID can be found in PowerSchool or on your child’s report card.

If you need help accessing BusPlanner, email Bus Planner.

CCRCE has created an easy BusPlanner Guide to help you navigate BusPlanner. Access this guide here. 

If you experience an invalid sign-in, please contact your child’s school to check PowerSchool information on the following:

  • Date of Birth
  • Civic Number
  • Student ID

How to Arrange Transportation

Please check BusPlanner to see if bus stops have already been assigned to your child.

Existing CCRCE families can review their child’s bus information at any time in the BusPlanner Parent Portal. If new or existing students do not have busing assigned, please first check if the address is eligible for transportation here: Can I Ride a Bus? If the address is eligible (and your child’s information is up to date in PowerSchool), click “Request Transportation for This Address” located on the Can I Ride a Bus? page. Busing will be assigned in 48 hours. You can access the assigned bus information by logging in or creating an account in the BusPlanner Parent Portal.

Late Bus Information

CCRCE shares late bus information with families through text notification. Once families have opted in to receive text messages from their school, you will automatically receive text messages if a bus is running 20 minutes late or more from your school. To receive texts, please verify your contact information is up to date in PowerSchool and opt-in with our service provider by texting Y to the shortcode 978338.

You can also see information on cancelled buses and bus runs with significant delays on the Late Bus Notification page.

How to Contact Transportation

Year-round (even in the summer), the CCRCE Student Transportation Team can answer your questions about school bus routes, stops and schedules. We are also available to discuss any concerns you may have about your child’s student transportation. 

For help using BusPlanner to check your child’s bus information,  e-mail Bus Planner

For transportation inquiries, please email us at the address corresponding to your location:

For general inquiries: E-mail Transportation or call 1-866-428-4696.

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