Studies have shown that the action video games some older children and teens play can have short-term increases in cognitive skills, (including attention, visual and representational processing and visual spatial working memory).
Digital technology can help children make and maintain friendships, and early research suggests these relationships may be more diverse and gender-inclusive than those offline. It can also enhance well‐being, problem‐solving skills, positive intergroup relations, and physical activity. Cooperative or competitive video games, played with family and friends, can be the same as traditional play, offering opportunities for identity, cognitive and social development.
Many children—especially boys—regularly socialize through games. Some video gaming has been positively associated with increased sense of well-being, prosocial behaviour, and fewer conduct problems.
However, it is also important to note that excessive time spent gaming matters. Teens who spend more than 50% of their daily free time playing e-games have reported negative effects on overall well-being, as well as conduct problems, hyperactivity, peer problems and emotional problems.